Canada BIM Council (CanBIM) - page 9

“Many of the member organizations are blaz-
ing a trail in the adoption of BIM technology
in their firm and projects,” says Lattmann.
“There has been a huge leap forward automa-
tion, robotics, machine learning, and these are
all technologies that our members are looking
at and investigating.”
To recognize the great strides of its members,
CanBIM holds the annual Innovation Spotlight
Award (the physical award is constructed each
year by a different CanBIM member organiza-
tion) as a way of shining the spotlight on the
latest innovations and use of technology.
A decade of AECOO-industry support is a
major accomplishment, and one that will be
amply celebrated. Lattmann says CanBIM reg-
ularly holds about four major conferences a
year and four smaller ones, and this year they
will all be focused on where CanBIM will go in
the next 10 years. “Celebrations have already
begun with a golf tournament in September
and other member-related events,” says Latt-
mann, adding networking is a large part of the
events and has fostered many working rela-
tionships. “I look forward to engaging with our
members, giving them quality support and in-
formation that they are looking for to progress
as a company, this is the most rewarding part
of this job.”
CanBIM Innovation Spotlight Award 2017 - Best In BIM - Sponsored by Next Architecture
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