Giesbrecht, will be a comprehensive health
and wellness centre for the KFN. Currently, the
KFN doesn’t have an existing health centre, so
its importance goes without explanation. It
will also contribute the community’s econom-
ic health, creating dozens if not hundreds of
jobs for Indigenous residents in the area.
Giesbrecht says the Band is ready to lease the
acres “yesterday”, but are waiting on Indige-
nous Services Canada to approve phase one of
the head lease, which should be by fall 2018.
Because the First Nations re-
serve is crown-owned, ten-
ants will have the option
of 99-year leases.
The project is being over
seen by the KFN’s eco-
nomic development arm,
which was developed to “pro-
mote the self-determination and
long-term growth” of the KFN.
Developers an
in the dense
Vancouver area
new square feet
and comme
to work
Blakeburn Lagoon Opening – Fred and John attended the
ribbon cutting ceremony at Blakeburn Lagoon Park.