The Bio-En Group

8 BUSINESS ELITE CANADA | MARCH 2019 it would, and began producing electric- ity and boiler gas for their business. They were happy.” Happy enough that, less than a year later, the processor asked Bio-En to double the size of the original facility. The lower energy and waste management cost structure that their biogas plant created allowed them to further expand their business more rapidly than they had originally planned to do. This expansion had enabled the proces- sor to generate 90 per cent of the elec- tricity and 100 per cent of the boiler fuel required to operate their energy- intensive business using their own waste materials. And to complete the circle, “After processing through our plant, those wastes were converted into a valu- able fertilizer that the company is now using on their own crop lands,” says Taylor. Tremendous Potential “There’s tremendous potential” for biogas in Canada, say Taylor. “Our indus- try is a great solution for governments “We don’t know of anyone else in our industry that can offer this depth of integration and experience.” Paul Taylor, Manager of New Business Development Plant operator Chris Martin on the catwalk at the Elmira plant