Lax Kw'alaams Business Development
10 BUSINESS ELITE CANADA | MARCH 2019 almost year-round,” says Sampson. “This strategy shift has proven to be quite successful for our operations. We have also invested in and own a trawler vessel called the Freeport and are 62.5 per cent owners in another trawler vessel called the Nucleus.” These vessels are the primary source of groundfish for the processing opera- tions. The Coast Tsimshian Fish Plant will employ anywhere from 70 up to 120 members throughout the season. There are both financial and social benefits that the plant brings to the community. Sampson expresses this best by saying, “Providing members with a source of income and stable work has a net posi- tive impact on a person’s outlook and perspective in life.” Community Engagement Coast Tsimshian Northern Contractors Alliance is another exemplary business under LKBD, formed in partnership between Lax Kw’alaams Band, Metlakatla First Nation and IDL Projects. With $45 million worth of completed construction projects since 2017 and a very successful on the job training program, this partner- ship helps members get into Rock Truck or Heavy Equipment Operator positions. To continually gauge the training needs and employment statistics for its membership, LKBD is launching a
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