Lax Kw'alaams Business Development
MARCH 2019 | BUSINESS ELITE CANADA 11 community census in 2019 which will allow for programs to be created based on immediate need. To further engage the community, LKBD hosts an annual career fair and utilizes an employment and training database to assist with job placements. Its success is in the numbers: in 2018, 96 band members were placed into positions through companies like CTNCA, Raymont Logistics and Gat Leedm Logistics. 2019 is already in high gear, with new business in the pipeline that includes a $90million road construc- tion project with the Prince Rupert Port Authority. Sampson says LKBD is sought out regu- larly by companies or organizations look- ing to do business in our Territory and for general partnerships. Going forward, the LKBD is set on ensuring its members are best positioned to take on every oppor- tunity they choose. “We have had a lot of success in our Training and Employ- ment initiatives the last few years. We try our best to make sure our members (not membership) are prepared for the opportunities that we can see coming.”
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