Lax Kw'alaams Business Development

MARCH 2019 | BUSINESS ELITE CANADA 7 Harper Grey congratulates Lax K w ’alaams Business Development LP as they continue to explore the possibilities and potential of economic development . Strength through partnership . Learn more about our la w firm at www . harpergrey . com W e are committed to helping you gro w today for a sustainable future tomorro w . it has also allowed them to begin acquir- ing large capital assets, and provided the opportunity to put money back into the community. “Fuel our Ability” “What this has done for the community of Lax Kw’alaams is provide greater hope for a future where own-source revenues fuel our ability tobe independent, togrow, and to continue to enhance the quality of life of our members,” says Sampson. 80 per cent of LKBD employees are