Lax Kw'alaams Business Development

8 BUSINESS ELITE CANADA | MARCH 2019 Band members and under the age of 40, which shines a very positive light into the future for the Lax Kw’alaams social and economic interests. “Lax Kw’alaams is also 50 per cent owner in Coast Tsimshian Enterprises where we have at least 20 joint ventures and limited partnerships,” continues Samp- son. “This allows us to provide services ranging from Medical Services, Security, General Construction, Civil Works, Elec- trical, Control Systems, Drilling and Blasting, Work Camps, Crane & Heavy Haul and Modu- lar Office Rentals. The list is quite extensive. These partnerships typically perform work throughout the Prince Rupert Port and the various Port facilities and proposed develop-