Wuikinuxv Nation

numerous meetings, and many, many hours of planning, we are now so proud to call this our own.” "This foot print was a long time in the making,” says Chief Frank Johnson, who noted the resilience and fore- sight of previous leadership to achieve Wuikinuxv's dream. “You should have heard the sounds of joy and elation on the VHF when the announcement was made that we have now switched from our diesel generator to our hydro plant. Gianakaci ." WuikinuxvNation received the2018Clean Energy BC Award for the development of this project. The connection to the land is very strong, as demonstrated by each family being represented by a crest such as the Five-Fin killer whale, eagle, raven, and bear. The Nicknaqueet River hydro- electric power facility is a powerful step in the right direction towards revitalizing the area’s natural states. The clean power produced by the plant will also reduce shipments of diesel fuel through sensi- tive coastal waterways and the potential for environmental contamination from the storage of fuel on reserve. www.wuikinuxv.net MARCH 2019 | BUSINESS ELITE CANADA 9