Clean Energy Association of British Columbia
10 BUSINESS ELITE CANADA | JANUARY 2019 Opportunity for Increased Electrification The numbers detailed in the White Paperwereeven surprising to theclean energy industry, but they feel that information and instruction are tools to help the government, the private sector, and Indigenous communities work cohesively toward a clear goal. “The province’s independent private sector power producers are ideally positioned to deliver the infrastruc- ture needed to provide this electricity; including that needed to electrify the natural gas sector and proposed LNG industry,” say Mather. “These compa- nies build projects for 25 to 40-year lifespans. Their contributions will ensure British Columbia delivers on its greenhouse gas reduction commit- ments. Its power generation sector can responsibly and cost- effectively provide the additional renewable electricity that extensive electrifica- tion will require.” The Sechelt Creek Hydro Project by Regional Power is a 16 megawatt run-of-river hydroelectricity project that is connected to a 138 kV line of the BC-Hydro grid.
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