Clean Energy Association of British Columbia

JANUARY 2019 | BUSINESS ELITE CANADA 5 to reducing GHG levels and reach- ing BC’s carbon-free targets. In fact, electrification offers the province a critical competitive advantage in the global pursuit of clean growth. After all, the province boasts one of the lowest-carbon electricity grids in North America. As the voice for renewable energy in the province, Clean Energy BC counts over 125 private sectors and First Nations involved in delivering clean, environmentally responsible electricity to British Columbians, and is spearheading a plan to help BC on track for carbon emission reductions. In October, 2018, Clean Energy BC released the “Electrification of Brit- ish Columbia” white paper. The paper clearly outlined that B.C. will not reach its carbon reduction emissions targets if the status quo continues— especially with the addition of LNG Canada’s decision to move ahead with the $40 billion project. By 2050, B.C.'s goal is to reduce carbon emis- Clean Energy BC’s Executive Director, Jae Mather, speaking at the Generate 2017 conference.