Innovative Pipeline Crossing
10 BUSINESS ELITE CANADA | JANUARY 2019 to spend billions on new infrastruc- ture to support economic growth,” says Hennig. “There is a great rise in urbanization happening now, and with the growing population, Cana- dian cities will grow and need more underground utilities like sewer, water supply, power supply, etc. [With the amalgamation] we will now be able to participate in those programs with our variety of trenchless solutions.” Acceleration is full-steam ahead. Currently IPC is preparing for six Direct Pipe installation projects for TransCanada, in addition to municipal projects in Calgary and Vancouver. Hennig says IPC is a preferred partner in the industry for its combination of technology and its record of maintain- ing exceptional client relations. “Our overall approach to a project and with the client is very transparent,” he says. “We are of a mindset of providing solutions for our clients before they even anticipate the challenge. We walk our clients with us throughout the process and have been told it is is one of our strengths.” Hennighas auniqueperspectiveon the industry; Canada is the 42nd country in which he has worked. He has seen different approaches to environmen- tal stewardship. “The level of approval process with National Energy Board and with pipeline owners like Trans- Canada and Enbridge…what they try to achieve here in this country is outstanding to what I’ve seen in other parts of the world,” says Hennig. “We
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