Makivik Corporation
JANUARY 2019 | BUSINESS ELITE CANADA 15 to focus on himself. He agrees that during his tenure there was a lot of headway made in elevating the needs of Aboriginal communities and how the Canadian government and First Nations communicate and negotiate with one another. “I think we made a huge achievement influencing the liberal government,” says Watt. “And there is a lot more work to be done…and that’s one of the reasons I stepped down from the Senate, because I could push harder from the outside.” Watt would like to help Inuit communities begin the path to self-determination, following their own regional law. When asked what is high on his agenda, Watt says there is still unfin- ished business with their neighbours. “I hope to get to the point to rectify some of our grievances and give them a proper recognition in titles to what they deserve.”
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