Makivik Corporation

4 BUSINESS ELITE CANADA | JANUARY 2019 “Back in early years leading up to the court challenge on Hydro-Québec, we didn’t have any instrument of our own to speak for us,” Watt says. “The NQIA was the first instrument we created to deal with the outside world, including the federal and provin- cial governments.” The NQIA was created “to be the voice of the Inuit of Nunavik”, Watt says. NQIA was made in reaction to the 1971 announcement of plans to build a system of hydroelec- tric dams in northern Québec which would “profoundly disrupt the envi- ronment and the Indigenous communities living in the region, the effects of which are still felt today.” (The Cana- dian Encyclopedia) “Potential interest from the outside world was mount- ing on us, so we had “It’s a great honour to return to Makivik at this time.” --------------------------------- Charlie Watt Sr. Charlie Watt Sr. and Executives