“There is a lot of pride in Atlin in
the fact that we turned off the diesel
energy, reducing GHG emissions by
4,400 tonnes a year or more.”
Peter Kirby, CEO of the Atlin Tlingit Economic LP
Kirby. “Indigenous communi-
ties like Atlin want to decide
their future, and experiences
elsewhere show encouraging
results for self-governance.”
When asked why clean energy
sources are well-suited for
remote communities, Kirby
says, “I think many people
understand that Indigenous
philosophy is one of cohabi-
tating with the environment,
not ruling domain over it.
Particularly in this era of grow-
ing understating of climate
change, clean energy fits so
well in communities with these
core philosophies and tradi-
tional beliefs. Clean Energy
gets a lot of support from these
communities. There is a lot of
pride, for example, in Atlin, in
the fact that we turned off the
diesel energy, reducing GHG
emissions by 4,400 tonnes a
year or more.”
The ATELP works to advance
community interests, while
industry, Indigenous peoples,
communities, and all levels of
government to promote clean
energy, spur economic devel-
opment, and address environ-
mental challenges.