Approximately 95 per cent of
Rising Edge projects are in a
Brownfield setting, such as the
Enbridge L3 pipeline expan-
sion project. Rising Edge is
part of six sites along the pipe-
line, including Cromer, Odessa,
Glenavon, Craik in Saskatch-
ewan and West Souris and
Richardson in Manitoba, having
handled the construction and
commissioning to expand each
site to accommodate the new
pipeline capacity.
Major New Facility
The years of hard work and
steady growth has seen the
company grow to over 260
employees, a quarter of whom
have been with the company
for more nearly a decade and a
dozen who have been with the
company 10 years or more. As
a result of that hard work and
loyalty, Rising Edge recently
moved into a new head office
that will bring the entire
including fleet facilities, under
one roof. The move reflected
ownership’s confidence in
the company despite the
depressed market in Alberta.
The new facility “allowed us to
consolidate our entire opera-
tion, including our fleet, fabri-
cation shop, engineering,
“For our team, everyone takes great
pleasure seeing a project build from
start to finish. There are few better
feelings in this business.”
Troy Sharpe, VP, Business Development.