LiUNA Local 837


LiUNA Local 837, a predominately construction-based trade union, headquartered in Hamilton, Ontario has over 6,000 members throughout the Greater Hamilton, Niagara, Brant and Kitchener-Waterloo communities. Local 837 is one of twenty local unions that LiUNA, the Labourers’ International Union of North America, has in Canada. LiUNA is Canada’s largest building trades union and represents over 140,000 members across the country. Founded in 1903, primarily through the determination and perseverance of immigrants who sought improved working conditions, prioritizing the health, safety, and respect of workers, LiUNA today honours its roots by advocating tirelessly for its people and for the community as a whole. 2

Business Elite Canada is proud to champion the men and women of LiUNA Local 837 whose tangible contributions to Ontario’s construction, healthcare and industrial facilities are the bedrock of its thriving economy and way of life. LiUNA represents workers in road building, sewer and watermain, demolition, pipeline, energy, health care, residential housing, low rise and high rise forming, formwork, tunneling, remediation, and utilities to name but a few. Current estimates suggest that the Construction industry employs over 1.4 million people in Canada and generates about $141 billion to the economy annually. Construction is the foundation of the Canadian economy—building and maintaining the facilities and institutions in our cities, towns, and communities. LiUNA members impact the lives of all Canadians every day, when they use hospitals, highways, and roads, drink safe water, enjoy a sporting event, or visit one of the many institutions where they live and work. “LiUNA members have been a large part of building some of our great infrastructure.” says Riccardo Persi, Local 837 Business Manager. 3

“We proudly boast the construction of key sites including the largest underground tunnel built for Hydo in Niagara, the many schools, factories, hospitals, highways, and bridge projects including the Burlington Skyway and both the Garden City Skyway and Burgoyne Bridge in Niagara.” “We have built countless projects including working on pipelines, power plants, bridges, tunnels, roads, our essential services like courts, schools and hospitals.” Speaking specifically to Greater Hamilton and Niagara, LiUNA members are proud of their participation in many projects including high profile projects such as the First Ontario Centre, the Red Hill Expressway and the Lincoln Alexander Parkway, the Sir Adam Beck Generating Station in Niagara, and are in the process of building the new Grimsby/ Niagara West hospital. We also look forward to building Hamilton’s long awaited LRT. “Our members also form a strong part of our Building Communities campaign,” says Persi, “and if it weren’t through their hard work many of our donations to key hospital and health care systems, community causes and charities would not be realized.” (Left to Right) Riccardo Persi, Business Manager LIUNA Local 837, Terry O’Sullivan, LIUNA General President, Joseph S. Mancinelli, LiUNA International Vice President and Central & Eastern Canada Regional Manager. 4


THE E.H. MANCINELLI LEARNING AND EDUCATION CENTRE The diverse and talented LiUNA members are also behind bringing to life projects that push the envelope technologically. With a training and apprenticeship program that is second-tonone, LiUNA members are able to achieve skill requirements for jobs now, and as they evolve. In late 2022, LiUNA Local 837 opened its new Training site, the E.H. Mancinelli Learning and Education Centre, a 45,000 square-foot, state-ofthe-art training and education facility which heralds a new era for training conditions in the industry. Riccardo Persi, Local 837 Business Manager 6

Great six nations 7


The facility’s opening also solidifies the Union’s long standing commitment to innovation and the safety of workers who continue to build Canada. “The new building has allowed us to not only expand our training and offer more apprenticeship classes, but it has allowed us to strengthen our partnerships— partnerships with the Indigenous community, with new Canadians, with school boards, and with youth at risk. It’s just amazing,” said Persi. The Infrastructure Health and Safety Association can help your company build a sustainable occupational health and safety management system. Using our COR® standard, you’ll learn how to embed health and safety into your workplace culture—to ensure compliance, increase efficiency, and qualify for a broader range of contracts. We’ll also help you earn financial incentives through the Health and Safety Excellence program (HSEp) while you work toward COR® certification. Visit to find out more about IHSA and COR® It’s time to take ownership of your workplace’s health and safety. But you don’t have to do it alone. 9


The E.H. Mancinelli Training Centre represents LiUNA’s commitment to fostering the most educated and safe workers. “The new site not only provides us with increased space in a state-of-the-art training facility,” says Persi, “but also allows us to train an even greater number of students on the best health and safety training available” The E.H. Mancinelli Learning and Education Centre also represents the integral improvement of health and safety from decades past. In the 1950’s and 1960’s, for instance, there was not any training or Health and Safety Guidelines that needed to be followed at all. Unsurprisingly, there was a higher incidence of worker death and job-site injuries. Fortunately, through education and stronger collective bargaining language, safer workplaces have been established. The new E.H. Mancinelli Learning and Education Centre also comes at a perfect time in terms of attracting the attention of new tradespeople. As the construction sector’s workforce is aging, it must attract younger workers to pass knowledge and experience on to ensure its sustainability and educate the public on the significant financial benefits within the trades. LiUNA has developed state-of-the-art curriculums to go along with the most up-to-date health and safety courses for their members to take prior to going to job sites. Members are also assured that The Fengate team is proud to serve as an investment manager for the LiUNA Pension Fund of Central and Eastern Canada’s critical infrastructure, real estateand private equity investments. 11


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