TRANSITIONAL AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING GOALS In Nunavut, the community housing sector lacks capacity, and the transitional workforce makes it difficult to attract volunteers for not-for-profit organizations that are vital for supporting purposebuilt housing, such as shelters. Community housing is owned and operated by non-profit housing corporations and/or housing co-operatives and/or land trusts. To ensure this vital aspect of the housing continuum is addressed, the Nunavut 3000 plan includes the implementation of an annual Nunavut Housing Supply Challenge. Each year, the Nunavut Housing Corporation will issue a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEOI) to provide housing stakeholders an opportunity to share their ideas for addressing Nunavut’s housing challenges. Nunavut Housing Corporation recently closed the Expression of Interest in March 2023 and received approximately 30 proposals from interested stakeholders. Through this process, community groups and housing stakeholders that may not have the resources or experience to pursue ideas or projects on their own were invited to submit ideas for affordable and transitional housing projects. In some instances, proposals may develop into project specific partnerships or project co-investments may be considered. 13