The Highway 91/17 Upgrade Project

IMPROVE TRAFFIC FLOW The project is designed to improve the operation of existing roads—both from an efficiency and traffic safety perspective. “The new and improved interchanges, and the elimination of intersections and an at-grade rail crossing, promote better movement of goods and services through the province and a combination of new direct-access roads and additional turning lanes give local residents better connectivity,” says Drummond. The project supports community and economic development, with better access to employment areas, faster access between south Delta and north Delta/Surrey, improved access to cycling connections, and improved permitting and inspection service for commercial vehicle operators. “The upgrades are designed to better manage the interaction between industrial and local traffic, both of which are growing in this area of the region,” says Drummond, adding, “The project supports port-related local industrial traffic growth that is a significant contributor to our economy.” The improvements also mean better access to the Nordel commercial vehicle inspection station, including a dedicated lane to separate trucks from local traffic and improvements to truck access from the Highway 91 Connector to Highway 91. 8