K’awat’si Economic Development LP (KEDC)

The Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nation reveres nature and has a deep-rooted respect for ancestral traditions. Through art, storytelling, and vibrant ceremonies, the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw people have preserved their unique identity and passed down their knowledge from generation to generation. The KEDC was established in 2014 with a vision deeply rooted in honoring and celebrating these traditional values. As KEDC commemorates its 10th anniversary in 2024, it’s not just celebrating business growth but also a legacy of resilience, sustainability, and cultural integrity. Since its inception, KEDC has achieved remarkable milestones that exemplify its mission. The establishment of the Kwa’lilas Hotel in 2017 stands as a testament to KEDC’s dedication to blending profitability with cultural heritage. Over the past decade, KEDC has diversified its services, expanding into sectors such as tourism, construction, marine, fisheries, forestry, consulting, and counseling. This diversification has transformed KEDC into a comprehensive economic force, not only for the GNN but for the entire Northern Region of Vancouver Island. The front entrance of Kwa’lilas Hotel, the premier Indigenous Hotel in Port Hardy 4