Capstone Developments

Capstone Developments, based in Westmount, Quebec, is actively engaged in projects that reflect its ethos of collaboration, excellence, and a commitment to enhancing neighborhood integrity at both the municipal and community levels. Founded by Andrew Pascal and Robert Tortorici, the company originated from a partnership during university that blossomed into a successful [...]


Bastium Construction

Since its founding in 2019, Bastium Construction has become a trusted name in the construction industry, delivering a wide range of services and establishing lasting relationships with leading developers. Under the guidance of Patrice Gravel, the company has built a reputation for quality, integrity, and a client-centered approach that prioritizes collaboration and sustainability. Now [...]


Nova Scotia Construction Sector Council

Starting in 1991 as a regional industry training council, the Nova Scotia Construction Sector Council—Industrial-Commercial-Institutional (NSCSC) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to human resource and skills development within the ICI sector of the industry. The NSCSC has gained international attention with its approach to exposing students, newcomers, and anyone and everyone interested [...]


York Region’s Henderson Sewage Pumping Station Project

The Regional Municipality of York began construction on the new Henderson Sewage Pumping Station which will be located on Yonge Street, south of Henderson Drive, in fall, 2023. The project is the outcome of a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study investigating a solution for redirecting wastewater from the Henderson Drive [...]


Town of Gander

It’s an easy task to introduce a town that has a history as illustrious and a future so bright as the Town of Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador. On what is affectionately known as The Rock, Gander sits on the north east coast of the mighty North Atlantic in Newfoundland and Labrador. Its [...]


Town of Torbay, NL

Business Elite Canada interviews the Mayor of Torbay, NL, as it celebrates its 50th municipal anniversary in 2022. Although the municipality is celebrating its 50th anniversary, Torbay’s history goes back to the 1500s. A mid-size community by Newfoundland and Labrador standards, located on the doorstep on the capital city St. John’s, Torbay [...]


Town of Coaldale

Located just east of Lethbridge, the Town of Coaldale, Alberta, was originally settled in part to serve the large cattle ranching operations emerging in the region which took advantage of the tall, nutritional native grasses and fertile loam soils. Coaldale in particular served as a pivotal shipping point for the industry in [...]


G. E. Booth Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Region of Peel’s G.E. Booth Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is one of the largest wastewater treatment facilities in Canada. It serves Peel’s expanding population, which is projected to grow from its current 1.25 million to 1.57 million by 2031, and 2.94 million by 2041. Located in southeast Mississauga, the G.E. Booth [...]


Town of Drayton Valley Aquatic Facility

When the community of Drayton Valley’s 35-year-old pool started to show its age, the Alberta community set in motion a plan to rebuild a facility that would serve the community for years to come. Following the successful receipt of a $7.5 million-grant from the Government of Canada’s Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program [...]


Big Lakes County

Sprawling landscape, and natural beauty as far as the eye can see, Big Lakes County showcases the best of Canadian nature. Located in northern Alberta, the County expands over 13,942 square kilometers of area. With a diverse region characterized by farmland, lush forests, and, of course, big lakes (Lesser Slave Lake, Winagami [...]

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