The Sky Is The Limit   LGT is an incubator for experience, knowledge, and success—just one of the many ways LGT is impacting the Quebec Engineering community. Soon, it sets it sights on the rest of the country. LGT is an award-winning consulting engineering firm specialized and dedicated to the building industry whose influence [...]



The Revolution will be Digitalized   By Anna Guy There is no denying digital transformation and customer experience are inextricably linked: businesses with successful digital strategies have increased market share, increased customer engagement, greater web and mobile engagement, and increased customer revenue. One telling statistic: 58 per cent of CEOs rank IT-related priorities first [...]


Steve Wozniak at Audi – Speakers Forum (ON-SITE)

CARS, COMPUTERS, AND COMMUNICATION   By Anna Guy Of all of Steve Wozniak’s ample and celebrated talents, there is a hidden one. He is impervious to hyperbole. Try it: It’s nearly impossible to overstate his contributions to the 20th and 21st centuries as co-founder of Apple Computers; embellish on his genius as a computer [...]



COMPANY CULTURE IMPACTS SUCCESS   By Anna Guy Even with counting Apple, Disney, and Tesla as customers, GSOFT’s says its greatest achievement is its company culture. On April 12, 2017, hundreds of people gathered in Montreal at the first CultureFest event. Dubbed as the first event in Quebec dedicated 100 per cent to workplace [...]



Maximizing Productivity and Reducing Workplace Accidents By Rajitha Sivakumaran In 2015, there were 852 fatalities in the workplace across Canada, according to the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC). More than 232,000 people were compensated for loss of wages following a work-related injury or permanent disability. Over the years, these numbers have [...]



Empowerment Through Technology By Rajitha Sivakumaran The word Animikii (pronounced ah-nih-mih-key) means thunderbird in Ojibwe. The thunderbird is a very powerful and respected being in many Indigenous cultures, and when its enormous wings beat, thunder is produced. Jeff Ward, founder of technology company Animikii Inc., has a very special relationship with the thunderbird. When [...]


STI Maintenance

Asset management specialists with a global footprint By Rajitha Sivakumaran Asset management, the process of implementing, maintaining, optimizing and discarding of assets, is one of the key elements of success for any large operation, whether it is public or private. Québec-based STI Maintenance specializes in exactly that and more. “Our mission is to help [...]


Stanley Security

Innovative Technology For A Safer Canada By Rajitha Sivakumaran Click to view Brochure According to ABC News, on average there was at least one school or campus shooting every week in the United States last year. Canadian statistics are somewhat less terrifying; after the 1989 École Polytechnique Massacre (also known as the [...]



Crafting Revolutionary Technology For Space and Earth Explorations By Rajitha Sivakumaran Click to view Brochure Vast and enigmatic, space has incited a considerable amount of fascination despite being an impossible destination for the average Earthling. Everything from ancient astronomy to modern-day extraterrestrials demonstrates our fixation with the boundless extension of our skies, [...]


FirstTel Communications Corporation

First Nation Specialists in broadcasting and telecommunications By Rajitha Sivakumaran Click to view Brochure FirstTel Communications Corporation occupies a special niche in the telecommunication industry — it is wholly owned by the Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve of Manitoulin Island, the world’s largest freshwater island located in Northern Ontario. The history of the [...]

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