BEC / April / 2014 - page 37

APRIL 2014
business elite canada
only keeping Barnes & Duncan’s
IT environment healthy, but also
allows us to offer these same ser-
vices to the clients that Barnes &
Duncan deals with, such as Mu-
nicipalities and remote northern
communities. Once again, this is a
way for us to make the client expe-
rience as efficient and convenient
as possible, create long lasting re-
lationships, and become a trusted
Hoping for many more years of
success and innovation, Barnes &
Duncan, under Korell’s leadership,
will strive to keep meeting and ex-
ceeding Manitoba’s construction
needs. “I am proud to say that at
Barnes and Duncan, we have some
of the most dedicated and techni-
cally sound employees in the Prov-
ince,” closes Korell, adding that he
knows an organization is only as
good as the people who work there. By con-
tinuing to grow and adapt, diversify to meet
customer requirements, research and imple-
ment new technologies, and focus on attract-
ing and maintaining only the best and bright-
est employees, Korell doesn’t plan on slowing
his growth pattern any time soon. “We will
continue to grow and adapt by leading the
changes in the industry. For us, sitting still just
isn’t an option.”
For more information on Barnes & Duncan,
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