business elite canada 13
ue to maintain healthy water
quality standards in an eco-
logically friendly way with dif-
ferent levels of government
to clean up wastewater and
improve the quality of water
in watercourses throughout
Montréal. These efforts will
count on citizen participation
encouraging the collection, re-
tention and infiltration of rain-
water at the source. Prevent-
ing and correcting reversed
connections that contaminate
the storm sewer network will
also be a major focus for the
city in the years ahead.
The city also aims to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by
30 per cent compared with
1990, and to recover 80 per
cent of recyclables and organ-
ic materials, household haz-
ardous waste, CRD waste and
bulky refuse by 2019. The re-
placement of single-use water
bottles and plastic no. 6 (poly-
styrene), commonly found as
a component of disposable
plates, cups, meat trays, egg
cartons, aspirin bottles and
compact disc cases, which is
not recycled currently in mu-
nicipal buildings in Quebec,
will also be a focus for change.
The city will also collect, re-
cycle and re-use organic mat-
ter in buildings with eight or
fewer dwellings and establish
treatment structures, as well
as setting up events to edu-
cate the public and business-
es about implementing these
ecologically responsible mea-
sures at home and work.
Another actionable objec-
tive that the city will tackle
with the help of partners at
the private and public level is
to ensure a great quality stan-
dard for residential living envi-
ronments. The plan has a key
focus on retaining and attract-
ing families to see a reduction
in the net migration between
Montreal and the suburbs by
25 per cent, mainly targeting
Montréalers from 25 to 44
who leave the city each year.
Some of the initiatives tak-
ing place to achieve this goal
include a financing program
called the
Quartiers 21
, among
others, available for non-prof-
it organizations. Calming traf-
fic to improve the quality of
life in neighborhoods and en-
courage travel, reducing heat
islands to ensure an aesthetic
balance of greenery, and pro-
moting Montréal as a fam-
ily place to live through mar-
keting of what it has to offer