BEC / Aug / 2014 - page 137

at the end of the day every client can say that
they love their house and that they’ve had a
lot to do with it. That’s truly the important part
that we and the client can take great pride in,”
said Hoover.
He notes that some of his favourite clients
over the years have been those who may go
into the process not knowing exactly what they
want and leave Habitat Studio with nearly free
reins to do what they think would look best
and suite the client according to budget.
“You get some that are open to any idea,
and then you get some that are very specific
in what they want. The fun ones are the ones
who aren’t exactly sure what they want and
want you to really run with it and play. They re-
ally trust you,” said Hoover.
The company’s creativity comes from a lot of
schooling, experience, and lots of research.
“Design is a passion of ours, and we spend a
lot of time on different websites, reading a lot
of books. We have a huge library here of just
anything we can do to really inspire ourselves,
and the client,” said Hoover.
Habitat Studio’s award-winning designs are
keeping it a leader in a promising Alberta hous-
ing market. Habitat Studio has completed de-
sign projects in various places for clients across
Canada. Its success is thanks in part to many
suppliers and tradespeople who have been
with the company since its beginning.
As for advice to potential clients looking for
an energy-efficient custom made home of ex-
quisite beauty and character, Hoover has a bit
of wisdom that he heard from a contractor at
a conference recently, “Pay your architect lots
of money, because for every one dollar you
pay your architect, you’re going to pay $100
to make that change on site. So make sure you
pay that $1 and get it right!”
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