Thanks to EDW’s leadership
in submitting a comprehen-
sive application, Winnipeg
was recently named a 2014
‘Top 7 Intelligent Community’
by the Intelligent Commu-
nity Forum, edging out hun-
dreds of rival cities around
the globe with equally lofty
ambitions. The city is home
to industry-leading corpora-
tions, such as the Great-West
Life Assurance Company, In-
vestors Group, National Leas-
ing, Winpak Ltd. and Pollard
Banknote. From just about
any angle, Winnipeg is an in-
vestors dream: stable, diverse
and thriving business oppor-
tunities abound.
Winnipeg’s upward trajec-
tory is partially due to global
investors’ interest in the city.
“We’re seeing a large private-
sector construction boom,
and I think it’s because we’ve
created a climate whereby
people know Winnipeg is
‘open for business,’” says the
three-term mayor. “We have
development agencies like
CentreVenture working dili-
gently to revitalize the heart
of our city, which has created
a cascading effect in spurring
additional investment. More
than ever, national and inter-
national investors are taking
notice of Winnipeg. I’m get-
ting calls from Germany and
China asking about the poten-
tial to invest here.”
Winnipeggers and visiting
tourists alike are rejoicing
in the expansion of Winni-
peg’s retail market, with the
recent opening of the city’s
business elite canada