BEC / February / 2014 - page 40

business elite canada
ciety groups, WISE wishes to
spread its vision of clean and
affordable energy.
Tracey Forrest, Director of
WISE and a registered pro-
fessional engineer in Ontario,
takes on the role of strategic
and operational leadership,
holding a Bachelor of Applied
Science in Environmental En-
gineering from the Univer-
sity of Waterloo as well as
an MBA. Her Alma matter
sparked her interest in energy
management and her deep
knowledge stems from her
co-op involvements, ranging
from global warming poten-
tial studies of Nortel Plant Op-
erations to conducting ground
water sampling plans with an
environmental consultancy in
California, to working in the
technology development of-
fice at Enbridge Gas Distribu-
tion. Upon graduation, Tracey
worked with a green build-
ing consultancy investigating
renewable power options for
clients, advising on energy
efficiency levels for Cana-
dian standards, and then left
the industry and pursued her
MBA focused on the energy
sector in Italy. She spread her
Tracey Forrest, Director, Waterloo
Institute for Sustainable Energy
Greg Lui, Graduate Student at the University of Waterloo
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