BEC / July / 2014 - page 47

to four years we go through a
full-fledged strategic planning
process by which we iden-
tify what the new trends are
for the next few years, how
we want to maximize these
trends, and where to go from
there,” explained Patrice.
“Also, a part of our strategic
managing process is bringing
things to the employee level.
We communicate to middle
management and staff our
strategic goals, where we
want to be so we can get buy-
in from the employees.”
Patrice Brochu was merely
12 years old when he start-
ed working on the farm. The
business, while professional-
ized, is still very much a close-
ly connected family affair with
his sister, Guylaine Brochu,
holding the position of vice
president of the holding com-
pany for Agri-Marche and his
brother Jean-Pierre is Vice-
President of grain merchan-
dising. Recently, Patrice’s son
works as a summer job in the
client services division tak-
ing feed orders. The company
proudly boasts client loyalties
spanning over 25 years.
While Agri Marche has en-
joyed much growth over the
years under its evolving fam-
ily management strategy, it
has had a relatively low pro-
JULY 2014
business elite canada
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