BEC / June / 2014 - page 80

business elite canada
JUNE 2014
fabric of its company culture,
which has attributed to its
seven decades of success.
Houle’s many award-win-
ning projects stand as a physi-
cal testament to that uncom-
promising culture of integrity
and service, beginning with
Victoria General Hospital in
1980. This was Houle’s first
major construction project
valued at $3.3-million electri-
cally, Houle would later do a
major fire alarm upgrade for
this hospital in 2010 for which
it won the VRCA (Vancouver
Regional Construction Asso-
ciation) Gold Award of Excel-
lence. The Uptown Shopping
Centre in Saanich (Victo-
ria), BC, in 2012, was to be
Houle’s first major shopping
centre construction project
Robert Lashin
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