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training to increase efficiency. Sénéchal says that it
is fairly easy to recruit now. The company also has a
social club for the organization of employee events
that focus on teamwork and a sense of belonging to
the organization. This sense of belonging and ser-
vice extends to the local community through dona-
tions of time and resources to Kiwanis, Palli-help,
the Rotary Club, and BNI.
“It is very important for us to give and help those
around us who are less fortunate. In the past year
we have also contributed by providing volunteers to
people in need. Currently, we are setting up cloth-
ing and school supplies for elementary school stu-
dents in disadvantaged schools in our area,” notes
Sénéchal who recognizes that the future of the
company not only rests in that of its own business,
but also in the well-being and trust of the broader
community for generations to come.
“We are committed to the needs of our youth and
find that it is important to get involved in tomor-
row’s workforce. We try to leave our mark positively
in our community through small gestures that make
a difference.”
Sénéchal also recognizes and is grateful for the
support of the community within the industry at-
tributable to Constructions Méthodex Inc.’s success.