business elite canada 35
Mayor Bradley glowingly. “But we’re often un-
dervalued in the Ontario economy.” The city is
the home of the groundbreaking, state-of-the-
art BioAmber plant. “It’s the first of its kind in
North America that takes acid from corn and
turns it into anything from car parts to make-
up. We have sites that were former operations
that can be redeveloped and environmental-
ly ready to go.” It is because of Sarnia’s large
presence in the petrochemical industry that
large refineries, such as Imperial Oil and Shell
Canada, operate in the city, and Chemical Val-
ley is home to over 62 facilities which is the
heart of Sarnia’s infrastructure.
The city is also instrumental in adding value
to the economy through its rich manufacturing
sector for the U.S. and Canada. It also bolsters
a booming labor market with over 5,000 con-
struction jobs for a high level of skilled labour-
ers. A key aspect of the city, shares Bradley, is
also to attract business, which has been a dif-