Business Elite Canada spoke with Dr. Alan Ulsifer, Chair & CEO, about the idea behind FYidoctors in July, 2023. “The industry was historically highly focused on product and less on the importance of eye care in people’s lives,” says Dr. Ulsifer. “Independent doctors did not have the ability to scale up like many of their chain-like optical competitors and most of the time simply paid a higher wholesale cost for product. By getting together, independent doctors could vertically integrate to create a powerful supply chain, and tell a different story about eye care. Simply stated, we created strength in our numbers by collaborating and joining forces.” Currently with over 370 clinics across the country and performing over a million eye exams annually, Ulsifer says the concept picked up traction very quickly, and he began to see its potential when a large number of clinics reached out to join the company. “We created a solution to a problem,” says Ulisfer. “The world was—and constantly is— changing, and doctors not only have to care for patients, they have to run a business that is becoming ever more complex. Our company is a solution to the many challenges facing optometry clinics today including technology, marketing, HR, finance, legal and general operations.” 8 AUG 2023 | BUSINESS ELITE CANADA