BEC / DEC / 2017 - page 15

“Part of our mandate is to provide employ-
ment opportunities, including training, for
Inuit” Flaherty says. The numbers show its
success in this area. QC boosts the high-
est share of Inuit employees of any NU
private employer. 81 per cent, or 360 out
of 443 employees are Inuit, earning $7.5
million in salaries. Compare this to 50 per
cent Inuit employment rate in the Govern-
ment of Nunavut (March 2017) and closer
to 20 per cent in the mining industry.
QC is now working to strengthen the rela-
tion with the communities in the Qikiqtani
Region to assist with future infrastructure
projects and provide support to the com-
munities to achieve their economic objec-
tives. QC is a “one-stop business partner”
in development, servicing and manage-
ment in the communities and on remote
sites throughout Nunavut. Recently, QC
has been working with the community of
Grise Fiord on the design and funding of
a potential new lodge and cultural centre
in the community. QC has also been sup-
porting the community of Qikiqtarjuaq on
a potential deep-water port for the com-
munity. In 2017, QC has worked with the
community of Cape Dorset on a metal
clean-up project, and with the community
of Sanikiluaq to conduct a wind study and
install a met tower.
business elite canada 15
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