BEC / DEC / 2017 - page 94

tively with members and the public sec-
tor to foster mutual understanding of key
industry issues with a view to achieving
positive outcomes. To address the loom-
ing skills shortage, VRCA will continue to
engage students and teachers through its
School Outreach Program, where industry
volunteers, many from VRCA’s Under40
Network, present the myriad career op-
portunities in construction to the captive
audience. “Currently 1 in 69 students pur-
sue a skilled trade on leaving high school.”
notes Famulak. “We need to get that
ratio to approximately 1 in 7, if we are to
respond effectively to the 2026 projected
labour shortage.”
Why is facilitating connections impor-
“Our industry depends on connec-
tions,” says Famulak. “Connections to
people, bidding opportunities and, be-
cause the majority of members are small-
medium enterprises, ways to save money
are crucial. We therefore want to enable
connections and opportunities across the
industry by offering a range of business-
oriented programs.”
It’s why VRCA offers 20+ events per year
that connect 3,500+ attendees. It’s why
it offers access to close to 1,000 Pre Bid
and 4,500+ bidding opportunities per year
through its BidCentral platform. It’s why
U40 Network at work on the Zajac Ranch for Children, one of two charities chosen by the U40s. Every April,
the U40 Network volunteers time and materials to build new or maintain current infrastructure at the ranch.
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