the biggest infrastructure spend in
the country’s history. It’s commit-
ted to investing almost $125 billion
over the next decade. “Every dol-
lar we spend on public infrastruc-
ture grows our economy, creates
jobs, and strengthens our cities and
towns,” according to Prime Minis-
ter Trudeau.
One issue is that when these infra-
structure dollars start flowing, they
won’t go nearly as far in Toronto,
Hamilton, Sault St. Marie or the
Region of Waterloo. For every infra-
structure dollar spent elsewhere in
Canada, it translates into about 70
cents in these municipalities. This
should not sit well with taxpayers.
There is a way for Canada’s largest
city to find the savings it needs and
champion a worthy cause. Toronto
has an opportunity to push for a
small legislative change that could
make a big difference to municipali-
ties and taxpayers across Ontario.
Paul de Jong, President of the Progressive Contractors Association of Canada (PCA)
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