BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 3

30 years since its inception, Technoparc Montreal, the cutting-
edge industrial park, still attracts the biggest and best in high-tech.
But far from the image of standard concrete strip malls that indus-
trial areas can conjure, Technoparc Montreal is enhancing the life/
work balance and convenience of its residents, with cafes, coffee
shops, a gym, daycare, and walking paths, to name a few of the
new amenities. The Technoparc Montreal brings together cutting-
edge buildings, both architecturally and technologically advanced,
and as a major economic force, the park continues to attract in-
ternational giants. (As the real estate adage goes: Location, Location, Location.) As our cover
feature, we spoke with the Park’s Director of Communications Carl Baillargeon about the future
of Quebec’s scientific research epicentre.
Trailblazers are a common thread in this issue. We spoke with two of the country’s leading sus-
tainable manufacturers, Mike Battistel of Cascadia Windows and Doors, and Jeff Addison of Kiko
Water Systems, who are both pushing the needle forward in terms of reducing energy consump-
tion through sustainable design, and may very well be the key to easily saving your business 20
per cent in energy consumption.
RJ Roux of BSI Global and Ray Natraoro of Stalkaya are two more entrepreneurs who are forging
new paths, Roux in technical and innovation solutions in international markets, and Natraoro in
First Nations general contracting. These and the other men and women featured in this issue
have stories that are born out of solution-finding, and using one’s passion to make the world a
better place. We hope you find them as inspiring as we do.
Anna Guy
business elite canada 3
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