BEC / JULY / 2018 - page 17

Saskatchewan’s economy in an effort to reduce their carbon
footprint. We are committed to a cleaner electricity sector, and
a cleaner oil and gas sector, but in a manner that is financially
sustainable and responsible.”
With this Agreement, the FNPA is responsible for securing Ab-
original-led flare gas power production projects then power
purchase agreements will then be signed and negotiated for
the electricity to be sold to SaskPower and distributed on the
provincial power grid over the next 20 years. Currently, FNPA
and North-western Saskatchewan Cree reserve Flying Dust First
Nation are working on developing a flare gas power generation
“Flaring of gas into the atmosphere releases hydrocarbons
and emissions into the atmosphere,” says FNPA Chief Execu-
tive Officer Guy Lonechild. “In fact, flaring of gas accounts
for five times the amounts of emission than other sources of
r CEO, Ministers & Flying Dust Chief
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