BEC / JULY / 2018 - page 31

In these cases, once the rules are clear, there
has been not only willingness, but also appre-
ciation, on the part of mining companies for
the clarity of the process and the resulting
partnerships with our communities. All of our
IBA’s have resulted in win-win situations, and
we believe that this is the way of the future.
BEC: If, as you suggest, there can be win-win
situations as a result of recognizing Indigenous
rights, why do you think this has not been
done before by Governments?
GC: I have been encouraged by the direc-
tion that the current Federal government has
taken with respect to a number of sea-change
initiatives that could really make a difference.
I am particularly encouraged that this govern-
ment has agreed to a parliamentary bill tabled
before Parliament by Cree M.P. Romeo Saga-
nash which will result in the full implementa-
tion on the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples.
BEC: What have been some of the positive
benefits for the Indigenous communities in
your region?
GC: As a consequence of our initial Trea-
ty, the James Bay and Northern Quebec
Agreement, together with subsequent ma-
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