BEC / July / 2013 - page 65

and require a personal
“We’re not a large com-
pany, our idea is that we
can spend more time on the
smaller details,” says Collett,
who joined his father’s com-
pany in 1990. “When we’re
working on a design build
project, I’m actively involved
in everything that’s done,
whether I’m doing it directly
along with one of my estima-
tors or project managers who
are working on it.”
It is this current stage of
growth that Collett is thriv-
ing in, an environment that
he inherits from John, who
has taken a smaller role in the
company in recent years.
“[John] lives in the interior,
comes down once or twice a
year for a couple weeks and
just checks on things, but he’s
not involved in the day-to-day
at all,” says Collett.
Becoming an equal partner in
the company with his father in
2009, the direction that Dual
Mechanical has been taking is
the right one, for now.
“We want to be doing what
we’re doing now, which is
having the bulk of our work
being design build rather than
hard tender,” says Collett.
“We always have to do some
of both, but we would prefer
to definitely do more of the
design build and expand the
company to do more of these
out of town projects.”
Collett’s hands on role is what
is needed for the company
that emphasizes hands on
JULY 2013
business elite canada
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