bec june - page 80

ket—something that the end-user of their
tool and equipment customer also needs.
In 2009, JET acquired two more compa-
nies, Pioneer and Jarvis Imports, which
were then amalgamated under the name
Pioneer Protective Products. This now en-
abled the company to offer commercial
High-Visibility, Rainwear and Flame Resis-
tant clothing while continuing to expand
that portfolio. The hot streak continued,
and Pioneer is now considered the Num-
ber One provider of High-Visibility high-
quality, durable outerwear, workwear and
personal protective gear in Canada.
“Our goal is to be leader in worker safety
and productivity by delivering exceptional
tool and safety products and services to
our partners and ultimately to the end-us-
ers in the Canadian and U.S. marketplace,”
says Baby. “We aim to drive innovative
brands that create a productive and safe
work environment for our customer’s em-
In 2012, Toronto-based Penfund, Canada’s
oldest independent private equity firm,
and JET met. JET’s business strategy, en-
trenched market position, competent man-
agement team, and superior returns fit the
bill perfectly, and JET was subsequently
acquired by Penfund. “At the time Penfund
acquired us, we were three non-integrat-
ed companies; JET Equipment & Tools
Ltd., Pioneer Protective Products Ltd. and
American Forge & Foundry Inc. For us to
truly leverage our collective strengths and
80 business elite canada
JUNE 2017
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