protective services projects. Mass tim-
ber panels used for floors and roofs have
helped in the generation of such measure-
able results as the 72 per cent energy re-
duction of Johnston Davidson’s Qualicum
Beach Firehall design. “One of the prime
sustainable goals for our projects is to
achieve the highest energy reduction pos-
sible for a building regardless of its func-
tion and size,” says Johnston.
Community has always played a big part
in the design intent Johnston and David-
son’s portfolio. This translates both in their
work and as well as amongst their peers.
Johnston adds she thinks her father would
marvel at the way architects can collabo-
rate through technology. “One of the great
advantages of the digital age is that you
can work with people across the country
much more easily than you used to be
able to,” says Johnston. “Whether that
is through trading drawing files or design
ideas, it makes that work much easier and
certainly benefits reaching clients in re-
mote areas.”
Johnston says her father and his partner
“would have really enjoyed the idea of this
digital community and the fact that you
can communicate so easily with people.
Design professionals love to have the abil-
Central Saanich Fire Hall - Apparatus Bays
106 business elite canada
MARCH 2017