While Nienkämper began his business by
bringing European designs to Canada —
since Europe is considered more avant-
garde in terms of fashion and furniture
than North America — he ended up bring-
ing their unique conference table concept
to Europe.
“When we designed the boardroom ta-
bles that connect practically to the world
and we went to Europe with it, they did
not have any of that,” he said. “This was
totally unknown and unheard of there. This
was 10 years ago and though they have
now adopted it . . . it took them a lot longer
for them to do it than it took us to do it.”
Keeping up with evolving technology can
be challenging, but Nienkämper said their
in-house team of eight designers always
keeps their fingers on the pulse. They at-
tend trade shows, including events in Eu-
rope to learn about new machinery and
“We are constantly out there to see what
business elite canada 47