Canada’s infrastructure development will
require Canadian skilled work force. Sand-
hu cautions project managers about the
potential bottle necks the lack of skilled
workers can create. “You can announce
multi-billion-dollar projects, but without
the people to implement them, you can
experience significant cost and schedule
overruns,” says Sandhu.
“Part of the programming is to stimulate
economic growth and create employ-
ment,” he continues. “Typically, we tend
to over-rely on temporary foreign workers
to fill skilled workforce gaps, which means
Canadian infrastructure dollars are being
repatriated outside of Canada, which de-
feats the purpose. Construction has one
of the highest multiplier effects, and we
need to leverage those Canadian dollars
to grow the Canadian economy. We want
to emphasise this point at a provincial and
national level and to focus on work force
development in the next couple of years.”
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