September feels like the busiest month of the year, doesn’t
it? It feels like we all go from zero to one hundred at the flip
of a coin. Kids are back in school, vacations are behind us,
and I’m sure I speak for more than just our teamwhen I say
work goes into high gear again.
This issue profiles some of our biggest projects yet. Our
cover story this month features the largest capital project
in Enbridge’s history. At $5.3 billion and counting, the Line
3 Pipeline Replacement Project is a huge undertaking and will mean over 9,000 new
jobs for communities along its path. But as notable as that is, it’s also the company’s
most extensive First Nations engagement program ever undertaken by the company
that is drawing attention and could set a precedence for future pipeline projects.
The Aecon Six Nations Joint Venture and The Moose Cree Group of Companies are ex-
amples of successful partnerships between the private sector and First Nations busi-
nesses. If the Enbridge engagement program is a success, will we see a flourishing of
partnerships like these?
We also spoke with the CEO of Kennady Diamonds, a mining company whose senior
leadership was instrumental in making Canada one of the top 5 diamond mining
countries in the world. These profiles, and many more, will hopefully give you the ex-
tra motivation you need to finish out the end of the year with a bang.
Anna Guy
business elite canada 3