BEC / SEPT / 2024

recruit, advance and retain Indigenous people for your workforce are highlighted here as a preview to Inclusion Works ’24. In Canada, the last few years have seen some significant developments with reconciliation now becoming an imperative to which every company needs to respond. Companies need to read the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action, determine which ones apply, and how best to construct a Reconciliation Action Plan. An important document which your company also needs to review is the 2022 ‘Indigenous Economic Strategy: Pathways to Socioeconomic Parity for Indigenous Peoples’ which was developed through a collaborative initiative with over twenty-five Indigenous organizations. The national economic strategy states that “if the gap in opportunities for Indigenous communities across Canada were closed, it would result in an increase in GDP of $27.7 billion annually or a boost of about 1.5% to Canada’s economy.” Given the same access to economic opportunities available to other Canadians the resulting increase in employment would result in an additional $6.9 billion per year in employment income and approximately 135,000 newly employed Indigenous Peoples. The 2022 National Indigenous Economic Strategy features 107 interconnected Calls to Economic 63 SEPT 2024 | BUSINESS ELITE CANADA