PDAC 2013 - page 5

convention is not necessarily
to increase the number of par-
ticipants every year. Rather,
the goal is to retain the quality
of the show and create a space
of networking and education
with technical sessions and
short courses.
The PDAC has represented
the interests of the Canadian
mineral exploration and de-
velopment industry since
1932, hosting the PDAC con-
vention annually. In the early
1990’s, the PDAC grew to be-
come an international affair,
and became a global network-
ing opportunity for anyone in-
volved in the mining industry.
There are currently 7 684 indi-
vidual members of the PDAC,
which include prospectors,
developers, geoscientists, and
consultants and 1 081 corpo-
rate members, which includes
senior, mid-size, and junior
mining companies. Over the
past five years, the PDAC has
focused much of its resources
on the association’s role in the
international mining commu-
nity and this is evident in what
the PDAC convention has be-
come today.
The convention has been
hailed as one of the most di-
verse mining shows in the
world, hosting companies and
exhibitors that mine for gold,
uranium, manganese, silver,
APRIL 2013
business elite canada
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