PDAC 2013 - page 8

PDAC convention hosted
Mining Matters, a charity that
educates students and teachers
about the industry and the im-
portance of mineral resources.
Groups of school-aged chil-
dren donning “Mining Mat-
ters” t-shirts got a chance to
experience the show them-
selves, as they roamed the
PDAC convention grounds
alongside thousands of suit-
ed-up executives and inves-
tors. Back in the classroom,
a room booked at the conven-
tion, students get hands-on
experience with various min-
erals. Science and social sci-
ences teachers were invited
to bring their students to this
event to help engage students
of various ages and promote
mining-based career oppor-
tunities. The program offers
in-class workshops for stu-
dents and educators, as well
as community-based summer
business elite canada
APRIL 2013
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