Kearl Oil Sands - page 2

By: Perry King
Since beginning plans on the
Kearl Oil Sands project in the
early 2000s, and sanctioning
the project in 2009, Impe-
rial Oil Resources is charting
new territory, taking on one
of Canada’s largest oil sands
projects with an eye for sav-
ing costs and reducing their
environmental footprint.
“The combination of tech-
nology innovations we’ve
brought to bear at Kearl, to
reduce cost and improve en-
vironmental per formance, we
genuinely believe that Kearl
represents the next generation
of oil sands technologies,”
said Imperial spokesman for
Public and Government af-
fairs, Pius Rolheiser. In terms
of the value that it’ll provide
to Imperial’s shareholders, by
virtue of having a very strong
business elite canada
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