Kearl Oil Sands - page 3

resource base, Kearl repre-
sents one of the best undevel-
oped deposits of mineable oil
sands in the region.
“The ore grade and quality of
bitumen that can be produced
are better than most other un-
developed leases, and provide
the project with an inherent
cost advantage.”
The project is an economic
boon. Located 70 kilometres
north of Fort McMurray, Al-
berta, Imperial is expecting to
product about 4.6 billion bar-
rels. At its peak, the project
will employ 5,000 people, and
1,000 permanent jobs will be
in place.
With production projected to
last 40 to 50 years, Kearl has
got a relatively low-unit oper-
ating cost. With the total re-
coverable resource figure es-
business elite canada
1,2 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
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