business elite canada
this kind of work - profit be
damned! Our model was very
different from day one. With
my business background, I
was very much a strong be-
liever in establishing sound,
fundamental financial metrics
and putting profit ahead of
growth as the priority. We’ll
grow organically from within
based on our ability to be suc-
cessful, and without any help
from third party sources of fi-
nancing…I’ve never borrowed
a cent to grow this business…
I’m happy to share our fi-
nancials with any customers
who ask,” says Robb. “Even
though we are a privately held
company, I love to show our
financials because it’s a really
great success story and dem-
onstrates how well the com-
pany has been managed over
the years.”
Tasked with bringing the com-
pany through several techno-
logical ‘ages’, Robb stressed
how important it was for his
company to be able to change
with the times.
“If you are not able to adapt
quickly to change in this busi-
ness, you will die. Change or
die. You have to stay current
with technology. A whitecap
is the leading edge of a wave
on water. Technology also
comes in waves. Whitecap
very much mirrors its name,
which is always to be on the
leading edge of these waves
of technology. The early days
were all about building web-
sites. As hard as it is to be-
lieve, most companies did not
have a web site at that time.
Then companies wanted e-
Commerce shopping sites,
integrated web applications,
mobile app development
and today a lot of our focus
is on cloud computing. You
are getting different waves
of technology coming at you