Toronto Hydro - page 6

Here’s why Toronto Hydro
is investing approximately
$195 million in the Clare R.
Copeland Transformer Sta-
Once in service,
the new transformer sta-
tion will add a total of
Here’s why Toronto Hydro is
investing approximately $195
million in the Clare R. Cope-
land Transformer Station:
• O ce in service, the new
ra sformer station will add
a total of 144 megavolt am-
peres of capacity, which is
the equivalent to the demand
of approximately 70 condo
buildings. According to the
City of Toronto, there are cur-
rently 189 high rise buildings
approved for construction in
• Located in the heart of
downtown Toronto, the sta-
tion will power major Toron-
to institutions including the
CBC, Rogers Centre and the
new Ripley’s Aquarium. It will
also connect to new infra-
structure along Queens Quay,
which is being revitalized as
part of Water front Toronto’s
• Investing in infrastructure is
good for the economy. Every
$1 invested in infrastructure
creates as much as $1.11 in
economic growth and reduc-
es business costs by an aver-
age of 11 cents .
business elite canada
JULY 2013
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